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Sandy Watchie Stamato
Oct 2, 20231 min read
Confusion Tip
You love what you do! Why doesn't everyone else? Here’s a tip.

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Sep 27, 20231 min read
Root Canal or Selling?
Root canal or selling? Take a look… (A podcast convo with the founder of FAVE- kickass organization!)

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Sep 22, 20231 min read
Don't Pitch A Tent
Having a crunchy, crabby day? Here’s a tip.

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Sep 20, 20231 min read
Don’t Let Sales Stop Your CALLING!
Don’t Let Sales Stop Your CALLING!

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Sep 18, 20231 min read
Be Kind To Yourself
Time to be the kindest to ourselves.

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Sep 15, 20230 min read

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Sep 11, 20231 min read
One sentence that can change your life.
I just read the coolest article in The New York Times. The special education teacher was being interviewed and was asked, 'What are you...

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Sep 6, 20231 min read
Silencing saboteurs, reclaiming self-belief.
Ever felt the sting of not keeping your promises to yourself? It's a struggle we all face. I used to doubt myself too. But here's the...

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Sep 4, 20231 min read
The power of the word "miss"...might surprise you.
Ever realized the power of words? 'Miss' seems to carry a touch of sadness with it, doesn't it? Whether it's missing someone or...

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Aug 30, 20231 min read
Why I do what I do?
I work with female entrepreneurs and truly help them transform the way they think about sales. It's not just about transforming their...

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Oct 30, 20212 min read
Did you say Impasta Syndrome?!?
Ever feel like this piece of pasta? Like a fraud? Like you're gonna be found out? So how can a Limb Dweller, who knows they march to the...

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Sep 29, 20211 min read
Ageless in Seattle
Want to feel better about aging? It only takes 1% of effort to change your attitude for a lifetime...

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Aug 26, 20211 min read
Embrace Your Full Monty
Courage and showing up FULL MONTY

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Jul 11, 20212 min read
Age, the final frontier (or is it)?
Ladies, getting older is THE BEST KEPT SECRET! Give me a minute to explain. As a coach, I work with professional woman/business owners 45...

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Jun 17, 20211 min read
No “Smiley Face” Shaming!
SHOUT OUT to the smiley face. Years ago, I worked for a pretty prestigious news organization. My job entailed writing and working with...

Sandy Watchie Stamato
May 20, 20212 min read
Hey loves, have you listened to yourself lately??
Whatever follows “I AM” will come looking for you… I was listening to an Oprah podcast, “Super Soul Conversations” (hey, any ‘haters” out...

Sandy Watchie Stamato
Apr 21, 20212 min read
If you say freakin’ “Vision” one more time……
Are you rolling your eyes and saying "been there, done that" when you hear "Vision"? Hold tight - How about the word ACTIVATOR? (no, it's...
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