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Freedom, alignment, ease, and possibilities 

Sage Selling


Three-Pillar Sage Selling Program


Enter sales situations with confidence and ease, understanding what your potential client needs and all the ways you can solve the problems.

Whenever I'm in a transition, I head for Sandy. She gets straight to the heart of conundrums so I get clarity on what, why and how to make meaningful shifts in thinking as well as actions. Sandy's great at guiding me around the barriers I've constructed in my mind so I'm free to do that new thing. Her insights and the tools she puts in my hands always lead to the change I wanted to make.

Beth Wooley

Bdub Relations -Brand Strategy

Gain command over your Inner Saboteurs. Unlock your Sage power with  PQ mental fitness 

Learn how to elevate your sales conversations so you represent your truest and highest gifts.  

The ones that transform lives.

Experience newfound freedom with the 8-week, world renowned Positive Intelligence™ program. 
Positive Intelligence™ Foundation

Experience newfound freedom with the 8-week, world renowned Positive Intelligence™ program. 

​Keep growing and building your Positive Intelligence "Sage" muscles while weakening your saboteurs.
Grow Program

Keep growing and building your Positive Intelligence "Sage" muscles while weakening your saboteurs.

Change your relationship to Sales by rewiring your brain and so much more...

 Introducing a Radical, New Approach to Sales for female entrepreneurs

  • Three-pillar Group Program for changing your mind and mindset by pulling your powerful and positive inner guide to its rightful place of control. Gaining command over your inner Saboteurs. Unlock our Sage power

  • Habitualize Positive IntelligenceTM  (PQ) principles -  a synthesis of neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology - embedded into your sales approach and other stressful business and personal situations

  • Collaboratively create a radically different approach, presentation and game plan through the lens of SAGE PQ into your life, including playful exercises that get your creative juices flowing

Group Program:

Interactive, impactful, playful and dynamic


Month 1  -  SAGE booster (includes knowing  you Sales Saboteur)

Month 2  - Full on SAGE- (Digging into t

Month 3   - Sales and SAGE

  • Builds muscle memory so PQ becomes second nature

  • Concludes with sessions on creating your sales approach and key marketing messages

  • Sell successfully while being kind and true to yourself and your customers.

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