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Limbdweller Results 

What does your score mean?  Keep reading!

I interviewed my Limb Dweller community and asked how they describe themselves as LDs.
This is very scientific. No expense was spared. Ok, maybe not but it is based on my experience working with hundreds of salespeople, entrepreneurs, and professional businesswomen over the years.
What your VERY scientific score means! 


Congrats! Chances are you’re a Trunk Dweller. THANK YOU! We need each other to make the world work. It’s a symbiotic relationship between the trunk and the limb. And even though sometimes we drive each other nuts, we (and the world!) work better when we fully appreciate each other’s gifts! Want to learn more about how 
​1% - 40% 

You are a Trunk Dweller with Limb Dweller tendencies. It may be time to evaluate and see if you’ve lost sight of “the view” from the trunk or the limb.

40% -70-%

No doubt about it (according to this VERY scientific assessment!) you’re a Limb Dweller. If you work for someone else, you just need to find the right fit where your "LD" style is appreciated! If you work on your own...find YOUR PEOPLE! Isolation isn't great for LD's. Side note: Imposter Syndrome (and more issues)  festers in isolation. ​

70% - 100%:

You stopped tallying the totals halfway through the quiz and moved on to the next step. You don’t need “no stinking” quiz to tell you what’s so obvious. PLEASE!  

What's next for you, Mz Limb Dweller? Are you honoring your spirit? 

Let's're not alone.
Let's talk about your Limb Dwelling-ness.
The world is your oyster!


Am I honoring my Limb Dwelling spirit?

During this 30-minute exploration session, you and Sandy will uncover the hidden challenges that may be sabotaging:
1. Your amazing Work  
2. Your passion and creativity  
3. Your precious Limb Dweller Spirit 
Leave this special session:

  • Renewed with a sense of commitment to yourself and your passion

  • Re-energized to step forward with a new sense of freedom

  • Inspired to create and expand into new directions and possibilities

This special offer is for YOU! From one Limb Dweller to another, I can hardly wait to meet you!

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